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Many birds lost their habitats due to the process of urbanization. Neighbird is to provide an open source module system, for people can simply make a most suitable house for local homeless birds.

Problem and vision

Birds Researsh

Birds that eat fruit or animals help disperse seeds away from the mother tree. Birds that eat insects, rodents or fish help control these populations and prevent them from destroying the ecosystem.

But, because of human impact, birds are in danger of going extinct. We’ve unwittingly destroyed their homes and natural habitats when building our own homes, gardens and cities.

That’s why we want to make it easy for anyone anywhere to make a beautiful home for these vital species.


Nest box

Nest boxes are an effective way to promote the reproduction of most of birds. A wide range of bird species seek out hollows to build their nests.

Human-bird relationship

Humans’ positive behavior towards birds can reduce their fear of humans and make them more adaptable to urban life.

Instance - Beijing swift

In the early part of the last century, the population of Beijing Swift had reached its peak, about 50,000. However, with the development of Beijing's urbanization, in 2014, the survey data on the number of Swiftlets in Beijing provided by the Beijing Bird Watching Society showed that there were only about 3,000 Swiftlets in Beijing.

Swift Research (Apus apus)

Design research